Saturday, August 6, 2011

Vancouver- I give you very special chocolate!

Hi Everyone =)

It is official- those infamous Zimt chocolate bars are on the loose!

After getting to the kitchen this morning, to make two bars of Chocolate Coconut Fudge I realized had been missing at about midnight, I headed over to Greens (of Greens Natural and Organic Market) to drop off 220 chocolate bars.

They're not particularly voluminousness, but... in numbers like that, even a small box is pretty heavy.

Anyway, there are 36 (not 34...) Chocolate Coconut Fudge, 36 Coconut Crisp, 36 Süß Orange Nib, 36 Naranja Rica, 36 Meine Minze, and 36 Vanilla Caramel bars within Greens' possession right now! All they have to do, apparently, is enter the UPC codes into the system.

I should send them the file I have of them to make the job easier.

For all my fellow mathletes out there, you may have totaled only 216 chocolate bars.... and you would be right! But don't forget about those 4 prize ones- buy a lot of Meine Minzes for a chance to win some more bars.

And, Nice Shoes also has a few bars- get them while you can, is all I can say. Those coffee ones won't last. I mean, if you buy one, try a bite, and like it even half as much as I do, well, that's just game over- I might as well thank you for your life-savings right now. ... kidding. =)

My friend Lois is visiting for England, and before she took off for a visit to Vancouver Island yesterday, she helped me with a chocolate photoshoot. It was great! (Best part? Getting to eat the models =) ).

It was sort of an evolution....

The first images looked like this:

Which made us think of this: 

Hmmmm... perhaps we could do a bit better than that!

So with my now fully-functioning, thanks to Karl, BlackBerry (which my Dad bought for me used on Amazon- avoiding new electronics is a good idea, because the components they are made of are so environmentally destructive... just be careful where/who you buy from!), we came up with these (not yet edited!):

A step up, no?

This is probably a good opportunity to address some questions that may have come up just while looking at these photos, such as:

1. Why does the chocolate look a bit white on the surface?
2. Why don't you use an actual camera to take photos of your product? Even a point-and-shoot is better than a 5mp BlackBerry, Emma.


1. Great question! White can appear on chocolate for a number of reasons, and on my chocolate for one more reason than those. Basically, white-ness on the surface of the chocolate can indicate that the chocolate is "blooming"- this is nothing bad at all and the chocolate can still be not only consumed, but also enjoyed. Blooming does not affect the taste of the chocolate- it just means that the cocoa butter has separated from the rest of the chocolate. It's still good- no worries! Blooming can occur due to changes in temperature and can also appear as white circles on the chocolate surface. Water coming into contact with chocolate can also cause blooming, and can even damage the chocolate, causing it to seize.

On this chocolate, though, the whiteness is actually from coconut oil. It made its way through the chocolate from the ganache centre and ended up at the surface. I added too much coconut oil in that ganache recipe and thought it would still be okay. And it is- but it just looks a tad funny. (Still tastes really good, though, don't worry.)

2. I used to have such a camera! My mom got it for me for my 18th birthday using AirMiles. It kind of gave up on me while I was backpacking/couchsurfing/woofing through Europe last summer, which serves me right as I took a billion pictures probably fell asleep on it a few times in overnight trains/ferries/buses/planes.

So there you have it- feel updated!


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