Monday, July 23, 2012

Tonight is a GREAT night for... what?

Hello Hello and Happy Monday!

Not sure what the weather is like where you are, but here in Vancouver, it is grey, drizzly, cold (well, compared to what it has been lately!), and... I love it!

Reminds me of Edinburgh or London- I had the pleasure of exploring both places in the pouring rain. Sometimes while wearing a backpack as big as me.

Anyway, extreme CouchSurfing days are behind me, as far as I can tell, and I am taking much pleasure in a bit of comfort here and then, in familiar surroundings.

Such as...

hot chocolate. Sugar & Spice Hot Chocolate, to be exact.

Let's face it- the night can always get better, and here is the perfect recipe!

Zimt Sugar & Spice Hot Chocolate

serves 2

2 C      hemp or almond mylk (I made hemp mylk by blending about 2 cups of purified water with 1/4  
            cup hemp seeds- tastes a bit peanut-buttery to be honest. Try it with coconut milk!)
2 T       maple syrup

1 - 2     Sugar & Spice bar(s) - if you use 2, it will be a seriously rich treat. Yum!

....hemp seeds
In your Vitamix...

combine water... 

1-2 bars of Sugar & Spice
Canadian Liquid Gold....

Ta da! 

Somebody is tired- but that's ok!

For one...

And two!

Method A:

Have you got a high speed blender, like a Vitamix? No better time to use it than now! Combine all ingredients on high until they warm up- should take about 2 minutes.

Method B: 

I haven't tried this one, but here's an alternative for those who don't have current access to such culinary luxuries.
Heat up hemp or almond mylk in a small pan, add your maple syrup, and whisk. Break up one Sugar & Spice bar and let it melt in! Whisk it up to emulsify.

Pour into two nice mugs and share with somebody special! (Somebody special can include you- you're special).


Here's a Zimt update:

Expansion, I think... is going to go like this:

Organic Certification (check!)
New packaging.... soon! My designer sent me lots of beautiful proofs.
Approach distributor with finished product
... bring Zimt to the world!!!!

How does that all sound?

Happy Tuesday Eve,



  1. That looks great! I don't have a Vitamix, so I'm gonna try method B sometime. Will let you know how goes.

    1. Ah thank you! With enough maple syrup (or two Sugar & Spice bars...) it tastes pretty great!

      Please do- and send me a pic if you can, please!

  2. hahaha. i love this! your chocolate hurrah face is so perfect ^_^
    i love hemp milk and for some reason have never done my own! have done almond and brazil nut so what's my deal? i will get on it!!! thanks for the idea ^_^

    1. It is SO easy to make! The best part, in my opinion, is that one does not need to strain any nut bits. It just gets smooth and creamy =)

      We really have to smoothie party again!!!!
