Monday, December 17, 2012

tunnel vision

When I started writing this post... day before yesterday, I was just in the kitchen, throwing out some compost, and I felt quite at peace. (I guess composting has that effect on some people.). I was thinking about Zimt, with my one track mind, and how orders have been picking up (maybe because of Christmas and the Holidays, but it has been like that for a little bit anyway), and it was kind of like exhaling after holding your breath going through a tunnel. I am not entirely sure what the official breath-holding-through-tunnel-rules are, but I think that when you get close to the outside, to the light, it goes that you exhale and start to breath as nature intended again.  If you follow that sort of thing. I, personally, try to breathe mindfully when driving through tunnels.


The point is, things are going well. I am a little stunned. Starting a business is like needing to comply with the tunnel breathing rules, but not knowing how long the tunnel is. You don't know when you can start to breathe again. But I think I can start pretty soon, and that is a huge deal. I get it. At this point, I do not even have enough to keep up with demand. D>S. A steep, and harsh, learning curve. I know that this sort of thing is not customary for almost any start-up, no matter how brilliant the idea may be. Steep and harsh and I feel very blessed.

Not to say that I can exhale quite yet, but there are some signs that that will be a possibility in the foreseeable future.  Not to say that I have not gotten things to where I want them to be- definitely not, but you have to keep driving to get there. That is really the only way  at this point, as far as I can tell. Getting S > D, just slightly, as the impossible condition of supply perfectly equally demand at all points is... well, impossible. Gosh darn.

So am I still working in the kitchen? Yes indeed. But thank God, Jesus, Buddha, Your Inner Child, The Universe, that I have more help. And one day... I won't be kitchen-ing anymore. Creating lovely Zimt products will be up to kitchen angels, such as Michelle, and the newest kitchen angel, Kelly.  But I always want to do R&D, because that is the fun bit and everyone loves a tasty, new product- right? Both to eat, and to create. I don't want whoever is kitchen-ing to be doing the same thing over and over again all the time because that gets really quite boring.  Bye-bye positive employee morale.  New products, as well as easier production methods, should help with that. I just visited a friend and fellow chocolatier, who told me of a huge factory out in Richmond that makes confections for Superstore and such places- basically all at the touch of a button. There is hardly anyone actually working in the factory- everything is mechanized and manufactured in enormous equipment and the chocolate is brought in, in liquid form, from the US, in trucks that look like the ones with gasoline drums.  Balance is, for Zimt at least, the key- it shouldn't be sweatshop labour (which, it definitely has been for the past couple of weeks, before Michelle and Kelly. Think 16 hour days in the kitchen without breaks. Unfortunate.), but it also shouldn't be chocolate gasoline trucks, because that is definitely not artisan and does not provide enough employment in Zimt, which is what I am going for- good people deserve good jobs where they get to enjoy chocolate.

But does it look like the founder of Zimt is still working in the kitchen?

No way! Thanks to beautiful branding and packaging- people are shocked to learn that I do dishes for hours after hours of chocolate making. Sneaky.  But the look I see on people's faces when I tell them this is still enjoyable enough to keep going as such, for just a little while longer.

Cute chocolates made by students in a Zimt class

cute perfection.

Enjoy the Season! Enjoy some chocolate! And thank you for reading. I will let you know when I see the light- Hallelujah!


P.S.  Click here to feed hungry animals for free!

P.S.2. Click here to go back in time for the latest PS2 news*.

*(Just kidding. It is to a tasty, healthy, cruelty-free recipe that you should bring to your next holiday party!)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It's getting better all the time


Thanks for reading my inconsistently updated blog- I know we are all busy.

Here is a brief overview of what has been going on for Zimt and a bit of a look at what it is like to have a little chocolate company.

So,  I am very happy to report that Zimt manufacturing has moved to its beautiful new home- in North Vancouver! The facility is really quite perfect- very big, very clean, bright, professional- just beautiful. But very cold. We cannot have it all, though- and the chocolate likes the cold so I guess that is what counts.  I can't believe I didn't think about this before, but this is the first facility Zimt has operated out of which seems like a proper step up. Like I wrote, it is professional and clean, which shouldn't be a luxury in manufacturing, but in the day-to-day running of things, when one is working "in" one's business  as opposed to "on" one's business (an E-Myth no-no), it is easy to lose site of the bigger picture. Not a good idea, but it is tricky to find balance, trust me.

The new location is one of the main things- such a relief! One that I did not realize was going to make such a huge difference. There is a ton of storage space and things can be kept better organized (re: packaging is no longer living in my office...). Here- a beautiful photo for you to enjoy!

The kind folks at Crave Conscious even built on an extra shelving unit to the work station. Look at how beautiful and organized. And clean. (!)

Macaroon boxes are IN. And filled with Double Chocolate Macaroons on the shelves at Whole Foods Cambie. Here is a photo I took of them:

Double Chocolate Macaroons in packaging
I think they are doing pretty well because they have already been ordered twice now.

And some more exciting news- this is such a big deal I don't think I fully comprehend it yet, as is the case with most big deals.

Two different shelving spaces at Whole Foods Cambie! Isn't that awesome? Now you can get Zimt chocolate by your kale chips!

Here is a photo of the space:

Superfood Sandwich! 

Other exciting news if you love fudgy chocolate cakes. Zimt is now offering fudgy chocolate cake in the form of the Chocolate Ganache Torte. I will be bringing a sample to the Regional Manager at Whole Foods once he is back from vacation, which should be at the end of the month.

Here is a photo of the Chocolate Ganache Torte, which Karmavore had in their dessert case display:

Fudgy Chocolate Ganache Torte

Hoping to get it into Urban Fare, too. (Mention it to them for me?)

And classes are up and running- really fun. You can take a look at the schedules by clicking on the links that are found in this link here: Try to come if you can- we make pretty things like this:

Other than that... things have just been busy. Always dealing with lots of little components and at least one loooooooooong day in the kitchen each week. It seems to work most economically that way but wow it is really tiring. I kind of feel like I need to sleep for three days straight afterward. Things will hopefully get a bit easier again soon because I got an automatic tempering machine- will have to see how that goes, as Zimt chocolate is not like most chocolate (apparently, most chocolatiers get ready made chocolate and then put this chocolate into the tempering equipment, which heats and cools the chocolate until it is at the correct consistency to work with). But we have done this by hand, thus far. And it takes a very, very long time. I know a few good people in the chocolate biz, though, and they are kind enough to help me figure it out.

That's all for now, folks!


Friday, October 5, 2012

Haven't you heard the rumours?


Time to pick up the latest copy of Hello!, then. =)

Zimt is moving yet again! This time should be the last time, for some time, I really, really hope.

The new place is beautiful! So spacious and clean and... just really nice. Space! 24 hour access! It is really exciting combo- time and space. But it comes at a price, a price for which I have never spent on one single purchase ever, which makes me really thankful. Happy Thanksgiving!

One must sell much chocolate to make one's rent at such a fancy new facility. But I think of it as an investment and honestly, we can't go hopping from one random place to the next forever and still expect to provide product consistently. Unless the space is dedicated as yours, time agreements may not uphold.

And I don't like letting chocolate lovers down.

Well, I fully intended on writing a decent post, since I have been so absent from the world of blogging, but I have to go make three deliveries and wonder how I am going to replenish inventory given the current conditions.

Please enjoy this photo of Michelle and me at the Northwest Chocolate Conference- we attended on Sunday and it was lots of fun and very worthwhile.

A cocoa bean.

I started this post at about 8 am. It is now 8:37 pm and I just got back from deliveries in North Van,  Surrey, and White Rock. 

This is why I do not post very often. But that is about to change because minimum order quantities for free deliveries is effective immediately.

Happy Thanksgiving!



PS- Toronto was great, thank you! 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

It's called "Building An Empire"

No easy task, let me tell ya!


Thank you for stopping in. As I signed into the account,  the last post came up- dated over a month ago.  Bad blogger.

Bad blogger is okay- just so long as I am a good empire builder.

I have to send out the e-newsletter. On the list.

Anyway, here are a couple of things going on with Zimt:

New packaging: it is here, it is in my possession, it looks fabulous, I need to get new bags for the actual bars themselves, but other than that, fabulous. Next!

Beautiful new packaging. Many thanks to Jordan Petryk and Dana Lu.

More new packaging: need to get on that for the Smackaroons- the most recent addition to Familie Zimt, ja! Have you tried one yet? No?! Oh you must! They are really beyond phenomenal, to say the least. That is, if you like fudgy, coconut-y, chocolate-y bits of heaven. Look!

Smackaroons: Double Chocolate Macaroons- double. 

Toronto. I will be introducing Toronto to Zimt on September 5th, when I will be flying over there to participate in the 28th annual Vegetarian Food Festival. I will also be bringing lots of bars over for different retail locations. Will I be packing clothing? Maybe. Chocolate is first priority, though.

Zimt School: I offered a Zimt class! It was held on Friday and was loads of fun. Just take a look at these photos!

Sabrina and Candace- having fun making their unique Zimt creations!

Wow! We are making raw chocolate bars!

Sprinkle a variety of neat toppings on! Coconut, rose petals, fig slices, cinnamon, salt... 

What lovely treats- made with great care! 

Really enjoyed getting to catch up with those two! Zimt will be offering more classes soon, perhaps even on Friday, depending upon sign up, which will now be available online at  P.S.- it is a great idea for a date night!

Neighbourly Love: have been getting a couple of inquiries from our neighbours to the south about Zimt! Will keep you posted on how that is going =)

ethical shopping: Are you signed up for ethicalDeal? ... if not, you should be! (*hint hint*)

Oma and I have reached full capacity: We can't do this ourselves anymore. Not alone, anyway. Oma and I need some help getting all that chocolate made and... ta da, Michelle (not my cousin, but one of my best friend's little sister) is here for the rescue! I've known Michelle since she was about, oh, six? Five? Upon hearing that this avid baker, enthusiastic vegan, and recent high school graduate without solid plans for what to do next in life, was looking for some solid plans for what to do next in life, I just had to offer her a job.  Various keen individuals have been asking for employment from Zimt these past few months (ah, okay, almost a year. yikes.), but most wanted to do some sort of PR or marketing or whatever. I need kitchen angels! PR and marketing should be my domain, for now at least. Anyway, Michelle has already saved my veggie bacon more than once- she offered to come help out in the kitchen for training and man have I counted my lucky stars to have her around! Priceless!!!!!!!!!!!! 

On a personal note- thank you to all of my incredibly kind and patient friends for being, well, very nice to me, despite my often finding I need to cancel or cut short our hang-outs, because I need to work. I hope to one day, soon, have much more time to take them out for lunch, to show my appreciation for them and that I value their wonderful ways immensely. That's the goal, anyway- more time for those I love. Via a chocolate empire.

Time to write the newsletter and update the site. 

Thank you for stopping by! Have a great week! 



PS- have you lots of zucchini? I wouldn't be surprised- it is that time of the year! Why not make a very delicious zucchini soup? Recipe can be found here: Fantastic Zucchini Soup (I made this, but didn't have any veggie broth, so water with a bit more dried oregano worked great, and I also added some celery. Did not blend with all of the cooking water, so the soup I made was quite thick- great as a double for pasta sauce! My boyfriend with very, um, refined, tastebuds even liked it!)

PPS- don't forget to click! Help an animal out: Click to save puppies.

    Monday, July 23, 2012

    Tonight is a GREAT night for... what?

    Hello Hello and Happy Monday!

    Not sure what the weather is like where you are, but here in Vancouver, it is grey, drizzly, cold (well, compared to what it has been lately!), and... I love it!

    Reminds me of Edinburgh or London- I had the pleasure of exploring both places in the pouring rain. Sometimes while wearing a backpack as big as me.

    Anyway, extreme CouchSurfing days are behind me, as far as I can tell, and I am taking much pleasure in a bit of comfort here and then, in familiar surroundings.

    Such as...

    hot chocolate. Sugar & Spice Hot Chocolate, to be exact.

    Let's face it- the night can always get better, and here is the perfect recipe!

    Zimt Sugar & Spice Hot Chocolate

    serves 2

    2 C      hemp or almond mylk (I made hemp mylk by blending about 2 cups of purified water with 1/4  
                cup hemp seeds- tastes a bit peanut-buttery to be honest. Try it with coconut milk!)
    2 T       maple syrup

    1 - 2     Sugar & Spice bar(s) - if you use 2, it will be a seriously rich treat. Yum!

    ....hemp seeds
    In your Vitamix...

    combine water... 

    1-2 bars of Sugar & Spice
    Canadian Liquid Gold....

    Ta da! 

    Somebody is tired- but that's ok!

    For one...

    And two!

    Method A:

    Have you got a high speed blender, like a Vitamix? No better time to use it than now! Combine all ingredients on high until they warm up- should take about 2 minutes.

    Method B: 

    I haven't tried this one, but here's an alternative for those who don't have current access to such culinary luxuries.
    Heat up hemp or almond mylk in a small pan, add your maple syrup, and whisk. Break up one Sugar & Spice bar and let it melt in! Whisk it up to emulsify.

    Pour into two nice mugs and share with somebody special! (Somebody special can include you- you're special).


    Here's a Zimt update:

    Expansion, I think... is going to go like this:

    Organic Certification (check!)
    New packaging.... soon! My designer sent me lots of beautiful proofs.
    Approach distributor with finished product
    ... bring Zimt to the world!!!!

    How does that all sound?

    Happy Tuesday Eve,


    Saturday, July 21, 2012

    Today is a GREAT day for... what?


    Can you guess? I will give you a hint: the sun is shining, I would imagine it to be pretty warm out (leaving the office soon!), and... you have taste buds.

    Any ideas?

    Oh, another hint: apparently, we all scream for it.

    Eis! ...

    Whoops! Wrong continent!

    Ice Cream! Or, should I type, Ice Kream*

    *note: The term "kream" is used to denote the ethical, animal-friendly, vegan version of dairy "cream".  

    But just because I am particular, I required some chocolate chip cookie dough ice kream. 

    Good thing I made these this morning: 

    Zimt Chip Cookies! 

    They are pretty phenomenal- especially for raw, nut-free cookies! 

    Here's the recipe I used:

    Zimt Chip Cookies      raw, vegan, nut-free cookies

    Makes 12 

    buckwheat groats                 66 g            (about 0.375 of a cup, you can also just use regular oats)
    coconut flakes                      86 g            (about 0.875 of a cup)
    vanilla bean or extract          1/2 tsp

    dates                                     40 g            (about 2, pitted, if you use the fatty medjools)
    coconut oil                           22 g             (about 2 Tablespoons)
    maple syrup                         22 g             (about 2 Tablespoons)
    Zimt Chocolat 67% Bar       1

    First things first- grind up the buckwheat groats in your food processor, or magical Vitamix. Then grind up the coconut flakes, with the buckwheat groats. They will make a coarse flour.  Add your vanilla and pulse.

    Add your pitted dates to that mixture and pulse until they are pretty pulverized. Then add your coconut oil and pulverize again.

    Add that mix to a mixing bowl and chop up your Zimt 67% bar. Add that to the mix, and stir.... it should look something like this: 

    Now you are ready to form the cookies! Form any size you would like- try making an enormous one- I bet it will taste better than smaller versions. But regular cookie size wise, this recipe will make about 12.

    If you would like, you can stop there- good job! You have healthy, diabetic friendly, tasty cookies, made with lovely Zimt chocolate. 

    If you want to take things to the next level...

     Zimt Chip Cookie Dough Ice Kream 

    Makes 1 Serving

    2 frozen bananas
    1 splash of hemp milk    (did you notice the spelling?! Same idea as the "kream"!)
    pinch vanilla bean powder (optional, but great)
    2 Zimt Chip Cookies 

    Place in your Vitamix or food processor frozen bananas (broken into chunks about 1 inch long), hemp or other non-dairy milk, and vanilla bean. 


    Until they look like this:

    View from the top- so kreamy!

    Put that mixture into your favourite Frog Mascot green bowl, and break up your Zimt Chip Cookies to sprinkle on that. 

    Sprinkle and mix together the two... and you will get this:

    a spoon, laptop with pink keyboard protector, Frog Mascot, and Zimt Chip Cookie Dough Ice Kream. 


    Other Zimt news- (you asked!)

    Head on over to Fairy Cakes on 20th and Fraser for some extra special Zimt treats! Every week, there will be something new, such as cinnamon coconut chocolate disks, fig heart disks, and banana creme crunch bites. Yumyum! 

    New packaging will be happening within the next 3 weeks, too! Then it is time to approach a distributor to see how badly they want to make sure my product gets to everybody in the country. I am excited! I will really need to up production, but that should be fine- I have resources =) 

    Also, please be sure to check out - I have been working hard on the site to make it beautiful. You may notice some fancy new logos on the homepage... such as the organic certification approved logos. How satisfying. Okay, I can retire now.

    Enjoy your Saturday! 

    Peace and blessings,


    Tuesday, June 26, 2012

    Hi, Anxiety!

    .... and hello lovely Zimt Enthusiasts!

    Thank you for stopping by to take a moment out of your day to read a bit about the life of Zimt.

    Here's some fairly big news that has been on the brain for a while- if you read back to the last post, you will see I began to hint at it in what I believe was the third point- kitchen availability.  The kitchen Zimt has been operating out of has been amazing- it is in a church and in addition to be totally food safe and Vancouver Coastal Health Authority certified, it is frequented by some very friendly staff, parishioners, and volunteers while I am in there, chocolate-ing away.  It is a beautiful space- just gorgeous. Stainless steel everything, commercial dishwasher, even a heated oven-type surface to safely dry the chocolate forms off after washing them. I could not have asked for better. Couldn't even imagine better, and I am almost overwhelmed with gratitude and peace every time I walk in there. After spending so much time there (sometimes for almost 24 hours in one go...), it has really started to feel like home. No matter how hectic and stressful the morning is, whenever I would get to the kitchen, I would just breathe a huge sigh of relief. The hours can be long, for sure, but being there is like going to a spa for the soul.

    Mom and Oma in the kitchen- aka our hangout =) 
    And I am going to miss it a lot. I already do. The church needs more space for community programs, so as of September 1st at the latest, Zimt will no longer be manufacturing in the present location. I am thankful they gave me so much notice, though, because finding commercial space is really tough.  They absolutely helped get Zimt to where it is today, and to be quite honest, it would have been impossible to have done much of anything without this church's help. Ugh, I miss it so much even though I'm going to be there tomorrow! It is just unpleasant to think of there being an end. I know it is totally unrealistic, but I had always wanted to operate out of that kitchen. It was just really nice to have some stability- this past year has been incredibly chaotic. Many wonderful things, but lots of adjustments.

    So, now it is time to find a new home for Zimt. Not so easy, but God's got it under control. He's helped me out with way more challenging things in life (which He caused in the first place?! Oh boy.) and I have learned lots, grown lots, and now, I just have to grow a company with me. ... no big.

    Anyway, bawl fest. Actually.

    I am not complaining- really- who could complain about memories of that place? I am just slightly devastated it is over.

    Again, not complaining- I fully agree with this video, by Marie Forleo: When Life Hands You A Sh*t Sandwich.  (Pretty sure I still have a roof over my head, am living in a rather peaceful country, and have some very incredible people in my life. No complaints

    One fantastic option is to operate out of the Fairy Cakes kitchen- familiar and very close to the space I am renting! So that is great! (Can you tell I am trying to be really, really happy about this and end my pity party?! Are you convinced?). So, Zimt may get to work out of a lovely facility with a lovely cupcake master, Cera- Fairy Cakes owner and founder. Still need to see what my options are, but I am beyond grateful to have such a kind and generous friend.

    Hey! Here is some other happy news! (Three cheers for distractions, am I right?!)- Organic Certification! It is happening on July 4th at 9 am! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited and nervous. A couple of days ago, I was thinking, "Emma- what did you accomplish for Zimt so far this year? What new clients did you acquire? How much have you expanded your chocolate company? Are you even doing a half-decent job? Should you get Zimt a new boss?" and then I thought- "Ah, right, the certification. The new packaging. This is a big deal and will allow my little pride and joy to get to the next level- distributors."

    I think anyone I spend a decent amount of time with must be so beyond sick of hearing me blab on and on about the certification process and the packaging and I really can't stand to even speak those words much more myself to be perfectly honest,  but hopefully I can put a lid on it after next Wednesday. A week tomorrow. Such a big enormous deal. The new packaging is stunning- thank you to the lovely people who provided their input, and especially to the designer, Dana Lau (let me know if you need your business cards or whatever designed- she can handle it!), and her infinite patience.
    Tiger is skeptical at best... 
    New Zimt Packaging: Walter Lande Approved!

    Look familiar? The times... they are a changing! 
    Onto bigger and better things (oh yes it is! What a stunner!)
    So, I guess that is about it. How have your past 24ish days been?


    I hope they were filled with love and enough chocolate to comfortably swim  in. Not that one would want to do this!


    P.S. You thought I almost forgot about the ethical recipe and link to "click-here-and-help-animals-out-for-free-whydoncha?!"... not forgotten!

    Click this text and then the purple button!   ... and if you want to go a step further, consider donating 5 bucks a month (or whatever you can afford) to an excellent organization, such as Farm Sanctuary.

    And a vegan recipe to round things off...

    Mac n Cheeze- what's not to love?! (We're making this, Schatz.)

    Saturday, June 2, 2012

    Shhhhh! I am making chocolate...!

    Hi Everyone,

    Happy June 1st! Also known as, my mom's birthday...!

    Can you believe she turned 53?!?!?! I can't! This isn't the best picture of her- but honestly, she looked like she was maybe 35 today. Maybe. Maybe 30, after a terrible night's sleep. I don't know how she does it- she doesn't eat a super clean diet or anything and she has tons of stress in her life (I mean, look at who she has for kids! Yikes!). 

    Anyway, happy birthday, Mom! I hope I age half as gracefully as you. Probably the radiant inner beauty that shines through- living proof. This woman is amazing!

    Now that we have established my mother's excellence, let's talk a bit about Zimt.

    First: I will try to get more bars to Whole Foods on Cambie on either Sunday or tomorrow or Monday- it depends on when the labels will be finished... betcha didn't think of that! Label making is different from chocolate making- not so obviously. It is tough to think of all the components that go into a finished product when it is precisely that- a finished product. Things don't grow on shelves in supermarkets.

    Second: Major thanks go to my family for all of their incredible patience and support and joy- they never complain. Ever. They just are happy to help me out and enjoy us spending time together. That I get to spend that much time with people who are so unthinkably giving and kind is mind boggling. Physically, the work is pretty demanding.  I mean, I do BodyRock, officially, but I also feel like I am getting in another work out during the work day. But really, if that is all I have to complain about- I am one lucky lady. I get to hang out with some wonderful, supportive people on a regular basis- thank you, Oma, Mum, Auntie, and Michelle! How unusual and great!

    Third: I am getting a bit antsy about kitchen availability. Zimt is kind of at the bottom of the totem pole, only in the sense that if others need the kitchen, others get the kitchen. I am blessed, though, as I still often feel like I get to live there.  
    Anyway... I find that times are getting kind of restricted, however, and this is obviously a concern. I have to sort out a solution, other than me working past the time set out in the schedule, and being really quite while chocolate making, so that I don't get caught. Pretty sneaky!

    Other than that... I wish I could tell you more. But everything is top secret until further notice! Until then, I invite you to check out the Zimt Facebook page, which I am working on updating. Part of the online marketing I am trying to get a hang of. 

    Have a lovely Saturday! 



    Saturday, May 19, 2012

    CFIA, EPIC, and other acronyms

    Hi There!

    *blog was on my to-do list. And look at it get done- here's an update on the latest and greatest... in the land of Zimt!

    The CFIA Rears its Ugly Head... Again.

    They found me! Or, Zimt, rather. Zimt got inspected by the CFIA on Tuesday this week. (Of the same day I made a delivery to Unity Yoga- what a beautiful place! Check them out and try some lotus positions and warrior things.... and Zimt!)  So, I met with a nice inspector, and we sat and chatted for quite some time, in the big gym adjacent to the kitchen.

    I also had a friend I met at EP!C that weekend meet with us, who specializes in food safety for small food manufacturing businesses.

    So, we sat there and went over all my papers and tracking systems and things. Inspector was impressed! Now, to give you a bit of a freak out...

    A lot of huge companies do not track their outgoing product. 

    That's right. If you get sick from eating something, Big Box Company may not know a thing about where that food poisoning actually came from. Maybe it was Batch #1k9834j or maybe it was Batch #897m3490w. We just don't know. So keep your fingers crossed when you open that next bag of whatever!

    ... paranoid yet? You will likely be ok. =)

    Anyway, meeting went well. More with packaging. Organic Certification Tale continues... they are reviewing more now- Zimt has been unofficially, but officially somewhat, inducted into the Organic Hall of Fame.  Need CFIA to do label reviews or at least pick up the phone when I call to ask about Nutrition Facts Table formatting.

    Yes, so, EP!C happened- it was alright. Nice, because I saw some really wonderful people I know and met a whole bunch more- great contacts! Didn't sell too much, but who was expecting to buy chocolate bars in the wedding section? Oh well. EAT! Vancouver is coming up. May be a good idea... will have to think about it.


    Check them out- they are on the corner of West 8th and Burrard in Vancouver... they are considering Zimt! I took a class with them and brought my mum. She's so awesome. Anyway- they have lovely chocolate there. Hopefully Zimt will be a part of their crew, soon!

    Oy vey I have a lot of work.... wish me luck! And I wish you a lovely Saturday evening.



    P.S.- Don't forget to help out some animals! Click for free (it takes a second of your time. And I cannot think of a better way to spend a second of your time. No excuses.) (purple button- can't miss it!)

    P.P.S.- Try this tasty recipe! It is vegan (of course) and is good for you, the planet, and does not hurt any animals. What a lovely concept =)  Lentil Hummus- amazing!!! Move over chickpeas- you take so long to cook. But are still great for chana masala. Yummmm... 

    Thursday, May 3, 2012

    All that's old is new again.

    And by that title, I mean that I feel like I am having to re-construct a whole other company.

    There's just a lot in the way of R&D that has to get done by me. Although raw chocolate is a fairly new phenomenononon to Vancouver, it is getting really competitive already! Not just raw, though- there is a lot in the way of competition out there- and Zimt must cover all of its bases.

    Which means a lot of experimenting with processes for me! I feel very fortunate that I am able to do this- and grateful to myself for saving up all of my pennies all those years- who knew that my wage at Capers for making smoothies would go right back into making a product sold at their store!

    Experimenting is expensive- but developments are underway and I will keep you posted, as always.

    Peace and blessings,


    P.S.- mentioning some trade shows featuring Zimt would probably be a good idea! Please stop by at EPIC! on the weekend of the 11th until the 13th of May and then at EAT on the first weekend in June!

    P.P.S- nearly forgot to send you along with a healthy, non-dessert, compassionate recipe! Here is a very tasty vegan recipe how yummy do those look?!?! Thank you, Jennifer and Jacyln of Sketch-Free Vegan Eating!

    P.P.P.S- click here to feed a puppy! Or kitty! For free!

    Yum! Thanks!

    Thank you!!!!

    Yay! Kibbles!

    Aaaaand cookies!

    Saturday, April 7, 2012

    Back from Taipei and off to...

    resuming insanity?


    Karl and I got returned from Taiwan after a really lovely tour of the country. If you would like to read a bit about my travels, please visit

    Travels are fun, but at this stage, I felt that 12 days in a row of really unfocused Zimt work was a bit much. After touring during the day, I would work on that never ending organic certification application. It won't stop.

    But I think I am almost done.

    Anyway, back at it! Big changes are in store for Zimt- I feel like I am starting the whole company again. So, I guess I shouldn't be allowed to leave the desk, nor the kitchen. But I have to leave the kitchen because... it has not been available all week! That's because it is Holy Week- the week leading up to Easter, and because the kitchen is in a church, and I suppose things are quite busy before Easter.

    So I have carted a whole lot of my equipment over to the Fairy Cakes kitchen. Thanks a million to Cera for being so generous with the space!!!!

    Just because I feel like painting a more detailed picture of the situation, I invite you to visualize what this would entail- how much stuff I have to move, little bits and pieces I cannot forget, but have forgotten. All the different flavours and ingredients and bar molds which I forgot. Lots and lots.  But I think I figured it out recently, as in a couple of hours ago, as to how I am ever going to fill the Whole Foods order I have due on Tuesday. .... right.

    Speaking of which, totally messed up on a meeting time I had with them! But not my fault for the extra zero after the one in one-thirty pm.  It happens. They are gracious and have offered to grant me another meeting.

    Anyway, the timing has actually been supreme because I have....

    Karl and me in the Fairy Cakes Kitchen! 

    KARL! Holy cow- I cannot even express how happy and thankful I am to have him here! I told him yesterday that he seems to have this common theme of fixing up all the bits of craziness in my life. This, all before piling into my smart car, which is almost always filled to the roof with... stuff. Groceries, chocolate stuff, probably a life-sized replica of the Eiffel Tower.  Time to get an 18-wheeler... last month. Yeesh.

    What else. Made Easter chocolate and tried out some new recipes... kind of top secret, but in time, you will find out!

    In Point Roberts- picked up some packaging. Border guards don't know that. Kind of a favour- they really have more important things to worry about. Just need to be aware of it!

    Easter Bunny!

    Easter chocolates are available at Indigo. 

    Blogging of which... I wish you and your loved ones a very happy Easter!

    Peace and blessings,


    Friday, March 23, 2012

    Back from and off to Taipei


    I tried posting on the Zimt website for a while, but found the interface or whatever it is called to be really user-unfriendly for blogging. Plus, I am just finding a lot of comments that I did not know people had so kindly written!

    So we are back here.

    What has been happening with Zimt?

    Zimt's sole, legal employee has jetted to Taipei to visit one of her best friends, before he comes back to Canada to live there for at least a year.

    In Taipei now- it would be an understatement to say that I feel rather irresponsible for taking off like this for such a long time. But it isn't like work hasn't followed me. I wake up pretty early every morning to get at least a bit of work out of the way. Mostly, I have been working on the massive organic certification application. Stage one is almost done! It is so detailed! Which is good- in my opinion.

    Have also been getting some private orders and a request to do an interview and a few other things. The first couple of days after getting back will be really busy, and I am not sure how I will do with the time change. Should probably have some raw cacao to wake me up!

    Anyway, I have to keep working but I thank you for stopping by! xie xie =)

    In beautiful Jiufen!

